Iffat Omar feels Uorfi Javed makes her own fashion choices.

A Pakistani actor expressed an unpleasant viewpoint on an Indian social media star's questionable fashion taste.

Iffat Omar recently appeared on Mohsin Abbas Haider's talk show, Public Demand, and discussed Uorfi Javed's dress taste. The fashion model-turned-actor was asked about her thoughts on Uorfi Javed's notoriously unconventional and provocative attire on Indian television and social media.

Iffat, who is renowned for having strong but mainly progressive beliefs, was quick to point out that it is Uorfi's choice how she dresses, and while she herself would never engage in such fashion choices, she believes Uorfi should be able to wear whatever she wants.

The host asked Iffat the question in a comical, even insulting tone, referring to Uorfi as a'species' from over the border. However, Iffat did not take the bait and refused to join the chorus of those mocking a colleague in the entertainment sector. "How do you rate Uorfi Javed's fashion sense?" "Woh meray type ka fashion nahi hai tou main tou nahi karoon gi, tou main tou nahi karoon gi," Iffat said.

Mohsin prodded her further, asking, "Fashion kay naam par kuch bhi karna jaaiz hai?" What are the parameters for Matlab fashion? Do you have any do's and don'ts? (Is anything justified in the name of fashion? Is there a set of rules for fashion? Is there really a thing as fashion dos and don'ts?"

Iffat responded with a very wise and politically correct statement, "Do's and don'ts kuch tou hotay hain lekin who main yah aap tou nahi decide karain gay." (There are some fashion dos and don'ts, but neither you nor I have the authority to determine what they are.)"

She went on to say that everyone has their own individual fashion sense, as well as their own likes, dislikes, and preferences when it comes to clothing.