Moammar Rana Remembers Uncomfortable Encounter With Priyanka Chopra

The Lollywood star revealed how he got his crush on the former Miss World winner.

Moammar Rana, a Lollywood actor, has shared how he overcame his immense obsession on Bollywood diva Priyanka Chopra.

Rana spoke candidly on Nadir Ali's podcast about an accidental encounter he had with the former Miss World at an event.

After meeting the Indian actress in person, Rana lost interest in her and declared Ameesha Patel his newfound Bollywood infatuation, describing her as "genuinely beautiful."

Moammmar Rana recalled meeting Priyanka Chopra at an occasion when they were both sat close to they other. However, Rana was originally oblivious of her celebrity status and continued speaking with those around him.

The woman next him eventually left as he battled to find a comfortable seating posture. Rana was intrigued and questioned about her, only to be surprised to hear that it was Priyanka Chopra herself.

The actor mocked his own reaction to show how his crush on Chopra faded after understanding the woman he was sitting next to was the identical person he admired. "My whole crush on her -" Rana cried, gesticulating with his hands to represent his admiration's quick absence.
During the podcast, Nadir Ali interjected with amusing remarks, comparing Chopra to "black salt," which caused Rana to giggle. Rana reacted in a lighthearted tone, "To hell with you all."

Rana then expressed his admiration for another Bollywood actress, Ameesha Patel, whom he described as "genuinely beautiful." Rana emphasized on his opinion of Patel's beauty, citing her facial features as an important aspect.